Wednesday, November 30, 2011


::courtesy "" pinterest logo::

Perhaps it's because I don't have that much time to just sit around and scroll through it. Perhaps it's b/c it just makes me hungry. Pinterest just doesn't peak my interest that much.

I mean, out of my 8 or 9 boards (not knowing how many pin boards I have should tell you that I don't spend that much time on it), the only one that really gets any action is my Food board.

Really, this just deceives people in two ways: 1) the follower who really doesn't know me must imagine that I am completely overweight... though I am slightly! (Hello! I just had a baby... And yes it was almost 7 months ago... and yes, I will continue to use that excuse until she's at least in high school!). 2) People probably think I cook... ALL THE TIME! And anyone whose even met me for a second, knows that isn't true. Alan holds down the kitchen most of the time. The other times, Hamburger Helper pitches in. I just LOVE recipes! I love reading them and dreaming of the future when I might want to try them.

It's not that I don't like to cook, b/c I do. I especially like baking, but not cookies, b/c those take too long! It's just that between working full-time and being short on time with my little family, there are other things I'd rather do than run home and stay in the kitchen all night!

Anyway, about pinterest... I will say that I see some really cute DIY ideas. And since I will eternally be on a budget (and that's not a bad thing! We just need to be good stewards of the what the Lord gives us!) the DIYs are essential. But since I feel the same way about those as I do recipes, it's not looking as if we will get very far in them!

So basically, in my opinion, pinterest is like a closet full of shoes: it has great, interesting, fun, and sexy pairs for me to wear, but let's be honest... i am just going to put on my comfy flats or flip flops, and say OOOH and AHHH and MAYBE SOMEDAY to those beautiful stilettos... just sitting there, collecting dust!

Oh, and just one more thing about pinterest: If you are married, please get rid of your "Wedding Ideas" board... or maybe change it to "Marriage Renewal in 50 years"... you're really starting to make me wonder...

My New Favorite Picture

::Evie Grace heading towards the tree::

I mean, how you can not just LOVE this picture! Alan took this on Saturday night after we had put up the tree. That's the only time she's headed towards it... so far. :)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Four Wonderful Days

Wednesday, as I left work to go eat with Alan at his work Thanksgiving lunch, I couldn't have been happier! I might have even skipped to my car, and if I did, I would certainly admit to it! Nothing could have been better than the thought of spending the next 4 WHOLE DAYS with my husband and daughter!

Sunday night, as I was lying in bed, tears streamed down my face. I couldn't have been sadder. I am sure that I left mascara lines on my pillow (you got me... i didn't wash my face!). Nothing could have been sadder than the thought that Monday morning, I would be saying goodbye to my sweet baby, after 4 wonderful days!

Alan assured me that he would have to have me committed when Evie Grace started to kindergarten... there wouldn't be enough lexapro in the world to help me! Then he said that heaven forbid she went to another town for college! Oh dear me, what will I do with myself?!

::SIGH:: Anyway, I have some time to deal with those irrationalities! But for now, let's recap our FOUR WONDERFUL DAYS!

Thanksgiving with filled with food, food, and more food! Isn't it always?! We also went to Fantasy of Trees later that evening. Evie Grace LOVED the lights. She was the best baby ever all day, even though she barely had a nap.

Friday I actually ventured out. THAT is something I NEVER do! Being caught with all the crazies at the mall isn't at the top my to-do list. I actually wanted to leave around 7am; however, even though our Thanksgiving had been incredibly busy, my sweet baby still woke up a couple of times and wouldn't go back to sleep without eating. We ventured out about 10am, and I am happy to say that I still found great deals and got several presents bought! Whew! A head start, and that never happens!

Saturday was the best day ever! It was the stay-in-the-pajamas, no shower, brush-your-teeth-only-before-bed (you know you have days like that!) kind of a day! Alan and I decorated our little house for Christmas, and it looks lovely!  Evie Grace kept herself busy playing all day. She went from little station to station, just as content as could be! Loved it!

Sunday, we had church and then a dear friend's birthday lunch. Evie Grace got a nap late that afternoon, but I just laid on the couch. Two cups of coffee and a sweet tea will ruin any naptime plans!

It was a wonderful weekend, with busy times and restful times! I can't wait until my Christmas break when I get about 2 weeks of time with my little family. I just love it!

Thank you, LORD, for a great weekend!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

My Favorite Holiday... and a Sweet Memory

No, I am not singing "Jingle Bells" yet! (Soon though!)

Today, I am thankful for my most favorite holiday: Thanksgiving! Yes, yes, I know. There aren't pretty lights, fun little tunes, big jolly fellas in red suits, or nativity scenes.

But, there is this wonderful time of thanksgiving! Though we should remind ourselves of what we have to be thankful for each day, this is the day of the year that we can truly celebrate this time! It's a time of peace, a time of gathering with friends and family for a nice meal, and a time of rest. It's a time that we can say, Thank You, LORD, for you have been faithful, yet again, as You promised!

This is my most favorite holiday b/c it doesn't have a superficiality about it... it is what it is. No presents, no music, no outrageous decorations. It just IS! And, I LOVE IT!

Though all Thanksgivings have been wonderful in my life, there was one where God just hit it out of the park!

My first year away from my family while I lived in Russia was a tough one. It had been a rough 6 months, learning to live in another country, learning a new language, getting lost on transportation, etc. As the holidays approached, naturally Sarah and I yearned to be with our own families... with familiarity. But, of course, the LORD always shows up in a big way when you least expect it!

Because we were like family on the field, we were going to gather as a team and celebrate. There would be the 5 of us adults in Ivanovo and a child (who is now a most handsome young teenager. YIKES!)  and the couple from Yaroslavl and their two precious kids. We made up Team Golden Ring. :)

Sarah and I had gone to Moscow a couple weeks before to visit our Journey-friends. While chit-chatting, Sarah and I told the three guys, "Why don't you all just come up and celebrate with us?!". So, they decided to come with their team leader, who was really good friends with the husband of the Yaroslavl couple. Then there was another Journey guy in the city, so we invited him, too!  PERFECT! Later, while out with the two Journey girls with whom we always stayed while in Moscow, they mentioned that there wasn't much going on for them, so WHY NOT?! We just invited them up, too!

We decided to let Jill (our team leader's wife) know what we had done. We knew we could do this b/c with Team Golden Ring, the more the better! We LOVED getting together and having fun! And so did Kristie, the wife of the Yaroslavl couple. This Thanksgiving weekend was going to be PERFECT!!!

Sarah and I contacted our moms to get recipes. We had agreed to help put together a good portion of the meal, including the rolls ( from scratch! Russians don't just eat yeast rolls, but of course they are a Thanksgiving staple!), green beans, pumpkin and pecan pies (pie crust from scratch!), dressing, and much more! We started cooking 2 or 3 days before, in order to get it all together. We made the rolls throughout the previous week to ensure that they turned out wonderfully. The first time, we made crackers, since the yeast didn't work. The second time, we had hotdog buns b/c I kneaded it too long, and for Thanksgiving, they were PERFECTLY delish!

Everyone arrived at Dom Willeke on Thanksgiving day, and we ate early that afternoon.

::Surveying our table to make sure we had all the settings::

We had the most wonderful meal! This was honestly a time where I saw God take what we had and literally multiply it! We ate the main meal on Thursday, snacked that night while we played games, at more on Saturday before everyone left, and then we fed it to our Russian students Saturday night for our Taste of Thanksgiving with them!!! WHEW! Wow, did He show up or WHAT?!

::One end of the table, as we all chitchatted and laughed until we cried!::

We spent the rest of the day watching movies and playing Team Golden Rings favorite game, President Scum. LOVE!

The next day, we didn't hit the stores since it wasn't "BLACK FRIDAY" in Russia. Instead, we got taxis and headed to our dacha (country home). There we spent the day sledding, playing cards (again), and eating.

::Team Golden Ring::

That Saturday, everyone left... EXHAUSTED! We had had the most wonderful weekend on the planet! Even though we were away from our families, the LORD had truly blessed us with sweet time together. He showed us that He hadn't only given us blood families, He gives those who are called by His Name and who serve and love Him a family with His Blood. He. Is. GOOD.

To this day, I can honestly say that this Thanksgiving still remains my favorite, and most likely the favorite of those who shared it with me. Despite any of the paths the LORD has chosen for us today, what a sweet and precious memory we have of this time together. It was for but a season. And today, I am STILL thankful for it.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! May you be thankful for all the ways He has blessed you now and in the past!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Everlasting Love

"...the LORD appeared to him from far away. I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore, I have continued my faithfulness to you." ~Jeremiah 31:3

I found this sweet verse the other night when I was studying for our Life Group. If you don't already know, I help teach (with two other wonderful Godly women) the junior/senior girls. We are studying Paul and his life, and this verse was in the workbook. When I read it, I honestly worshipped. I mean, WOW! HE, the LORD OF LORDS, KING OF KINGS, loves ME with an EVERLASTING LOVE. And THAT'S why He's FAITHFUL! Notice that the verse says nothing about what I did to deserve this love... HE loves ME... That's why when I drift off, He's still right here. He may feel far away, but that's b/c I've drawn away.

And that, my friends, is a sweet reminder.

Especially today. Today should be Monday b/c it certainly has a Monday attitude. It's rainy, like inches of rain raining. The type of rain where you have to go 10 mph. I woke up tired b/c I hadn't slept well. I had to visit a community college, and I certainly wasn't looking forward to swimming to the front door with all of my stuff. On top of that, let's just say it wasn't my most successful visit.

To top it all off, on the way to the office, approximately 12 noon, I hit a vehicle at a stop sign. I have never hit anyone. Never wrecked. PRAISE THE LORD! (Again, not me. He gets the glory!) Thankfully, there was no damage since I simply tapped the vehicle, but still, really?! Thankfully, the man was quite nice. We exchanged information in case there was some damage unseen, but really praying that nothing happens!

At any rate, despite my less-than-cheery attitude today, He loves me with an everlasting love. What a bright reminder on this dreary day!

Friday, November 11, 2011


Well, I thought since everyone else was making 11/11/11 a big deal, so would I! Or not... b/c, honestly, I don't really care. But at least I titled my blog with it :)

Anyway, I can't tell you how happy I am that it is FRIDAY! Did you know that this time last year, this VERY week, I was 14 weeks pregnant? Well, that's true. But that's not really that important either.

What IS important is that this weekend is our church's World Missions Celebration. And that's exciting!!!! The Deans have a sweet couple and their children staying with them, and I can't wait to chat with them! They live in London, and I hope we know some of the same people. It's so fun that we are all connected, you know, the Body of Christ.

Other than that, Evie Grace is getting her 6 mos pics. Yes, that is correct. SIX MONTHS! She will 6 mos old on Sunday. I think I will cry :( She is getting too big! She is army crawling, sitting up almost, and just hilarious. She brings SO much joy to Alan and I. I simply can't believe it.

Well, I pray that your weekend is grand, and that all of the visiting missionaries are blessed. I pray they don't  freak out when they get applauded like I did at my first conference (true story. I was wild-eyed and thinking, what the heck are they doing?!). I pray that they know that people are simply thankful they are serving in the hard places, b/c that's why they applaud. I pray they feel loved and know that we DESIRE to hear what HE is doing in their parts of the world.

Mmmm... Good times, good times. I <3 missionaries. and the Magnificent, Holy, and Sovereign God they serve!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Slow Resurgence

resurgence- n. a rising again into life, activity, or prominence
(Websters Dictionary)

Have you ever left something and then went on a journey to get it back? Me too, except this time it doesn't include purse that I left under the table at the Captain Ds when I was 5 (true story!).The good news is that "what" I left can be easily found... to some extent.

Notice that I said "left", not "lose".To say that my spiritual life, my daily walk with the Lord, is the best it's ever been would be quite the exaggeration! Is my relationship with Christ intact? Of course it is because Christ has given me something that I cannot ever lose. But is it in the best condition possible? No.

The summer after I returned from Russia was one of the hardest times in my life. Though I had led a busy and full life in Russia, it seemed as if life in the US had stood still... or at least it was supposed to, wasn't it? The truth is that when I returned, it was as if the Lord had taken my life and unraveled it.

My family dynamics had changed quite a bit due to various circumstances. I had taken a new assignment in Knoxville, where I knew no one. I had moved in with a family who I had never met. My soul-sister was still across the pond, dealing with the loss of our entire team (we had all left within a week due to various reasons). Life was HARD.

But, even through those things, the LORD was beyond good! That new assignment turned out to be wonderful. I am still superclose with that family. My family dynamics remain changed, but we've all adjusted. My soul-sister is just 4-hours away, but really just a text or call.

Obviously, the LORD wove a beautiful story in how my husband and I met and came to be married. And of course, now, we have a precious and beautiful daughter.

So, why the distance from the LORD? What caused me to stray so far? I have asked myself those questions a million times over. And when I say distance, I mean, I haven't been disciplined to have quiet times. I don't pray  as often as I should. I do, however, still feel the Holy Spirit beckoning me to be still and know that He is God. I didn't fret for Alan to get a job, b/c I knew that God is Sovereign and Perfect with His timing. So see, it's not as if I stopped believing, or that I denied God.

It's more that He's a friend who I've really not spent a lot of time with lately. I've let the other things in life get in the way. I've stopped and said Hi in the hallway and waved across the parking lot. We've talked in the aisle at the grocery store. But we've not just SAT and DRANK a cup of coffee together... we haven't taken long strolls, just sharing our deepest thoughts and dreams...

The answer is because I have neglected His Word... His beautiful letter to us... instructions, encouragement, warnings. And how can you know someone if you don't KNOW His voice? You can't, dear friend.

Where was the disciplined missionary who would spend HOURS in His word daily?

So, there is a small resurgence in my life... a resurging of Love of my Maker. My Surety. My Guarantor.

"Their heart is as fat as grease, but I delight in Your law" ~Ps 119:70

This has become a verse in the past few days that I keep praying. I keep praying that God would MELT that grease from around my heart, and that His Word and Holy Spirit would penetrate my heart, that I would DELIGHT in His Law. A Godly woman in our church is teaching a Bible Study on Thursday nights, and I have committed to go. I am trying to find TIME in the Word daily. Even if it's just 10 min, I'll take it!

That's where I am. It's a journey.

You know what I just LOVE about the definition at the top? It says a "rising again into life"... He came that we might have life and have it abundantly! (John 10:10)

May each of you be on the journey of loving and knowing Him more!