Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Slow Resurgence

resurgence- n. a rising again into life, activity, or prominence
(Websters Dictionary)

Have you ever left something and then went on a journey to get it back? Me too, except this time it doesn't include purse that I left under the table at the Captain Ds when I was 5 (true story!).The good news is that "what" I left can be easily found... to some extent.

Notice that I said "left", not "lose".To say that my spiritual life, my daily walk with the Lord, is the best it's ever been would be quite the exaggeration! Is my relationship with Christ intact? Of course it is because Christ has given me something that I cannot ever lose. But is it in the best condition possible? No.

The summer after I returned from Russia was one of the hardest times in my life. Though I had led a busy and full life in Russia, it seemed as if life in the US had stood still... or at least it was supposed to, wasn't it? The truth is that when I returned, it was as if the Lord had taken my life and unraveled it.

My family dynamics had changed quite a bit due to various circumstances. I had taken a new assignment in Knoxville, where I knew no one. I had moved in with a family who I had never met. My soul-sister was still across the pond, dealing with the loss of our entire team (we had all left within a week due to various reasons). Life was HARD.

But, even through those things, the LORD was beyond good! That new assignment turned out to be wonderful. I am still superclose with that family. My family dynamics remain changed, but we've all adjusted. My soul-sister is just 4-hours away, but really just a text or call.

Obviously, the LORD wove a beautiful story in how my husband and I met and came to be married. And of course, now, we have a precious and beautiful daughter.

So, why the distance from the LORD? What caused me to stray so far? I have asked myself those questions a million times over. And when I say distance, I mean, I haven't been disciplined to have quiet times. I don't pray  as often as I should. I do, however, still feel the Holy Spirit beckoning me to be still and know that He is God. I didn't fret for Alan to get a job, b/c I knew that God is Sovereign and Perfect with His timing. So see, it's not as if I stopped believing, or that I denied God.

It's more that He's a friend who I've really not spent a lot of time with lately. I've let the other things in life get in the way. I've stopped and said Hi in the hallway and waved across the parking lot. We've talked in the aisle at the grocery store. But we've not just SAT and DRANK a cup of coffee together... we haven't taken long strolls, just sharing our deepest thoughts and dreams...

The answer is because I have neglected His Word... His beautiful letter to us... instructions, encouragement, warnings. And how can you know someone if you don't KNOW His voice? You can't, dear friend.

Where was the disciplined missionary who would spend HOURS in His word daily?

So, there is a small resurgence in my life... a resurging of Love of my Maker. My Surety. My Guarantor.

"Their heart is as fat as grease, but I delight in Your law" ~Ps 119:70

This has become a verse in the past few days that I keep praying. I keep praying that God would MELT that grease from around my heart, and that His Word and Holy Spirit would penetrate my heart, that I would DELIGHT in His Law. A Godly woman in our church is teaching a Bible Study on Thursday nights, and I have committed to go. I am trying to find TIME in the Word daily. Even if it's just 10 min, I'll take it!

That's where I am. It's a journey.

You know what I just LOVE about the definition at the top? It says a "rising again into life"... He came that we might have life and have it abundantly! (John 10:10)

May each of you be on the journey of loving and knowing Him more!

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