Thursday, February 3, 2011

"GIRL, WHEN did THAT happen?"

I decided to start us off with a funny post...

As is usual with my job as a university recruiter, I was visiting a local community college. I was sitting in the atrium of the building, which serves as the main area. The students hang out here between classes, eat in the nearby cafe, visit the library, etc. It gets loud during class changes since all hallways and the main staircase converge here.
I was sitting, checking my email, looking around, and ready for anyone who might stop by. All of the sudden, I hear a loud voice, echoing through the atrium, exclaiming, "GIRL, you are PREGNANT! Oh my goodness, I haven't seen you in so long!" I looked up, and saw a girl, who I did not recognize, walking towards, continuing to exclaim about her newfound discovery of my personal life. I am sure I looked shocked, confused, yet trying to remain calm and composed, and not red, since EVERYONE in this main meeting place was staring and laughing.
As she approached me, she continued with, "Oh my goodness, WHEN did THAT happen?!" Keep in mind, she was being very sweet; however, she was just little bit louder than I would have deemed appropriate.
Taking a deep breath, blinking my eyelashes, and remaining embarrassed yet composed, I responded, "Oh, you know, about 6 mos ago. Now, what is your name?"
She then told me how beautiful I looked, etc, so I quickly forgave her, of course! ;) What pregnant woman doesn't want to hear that?!
I was just glad that she didn't ask HOW it happened...

1 comment:

  1. ...of course, I love it! Great idea...I started one b4 Christmas and never got past putting the first page together!! We will help you keep this one up...too fun. Love you!! ... MOM
