Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pregnancy... and feet.

So, it's safe to say that I have had a completely blessed pregnancy! My first trimester brought the normal nausea, but I never had to throw up (except for that one time when I took Tylenol at 6:30am and my body said, What the heck! Where's my food?!... yeah.. that was fun! But my husband rocks, so I didn't have to worry about it!). The second trimester was great... non-eventful and I had plenty of energy! The third trimester has been equally as grand, as I have had those nesting moments when I get started on something and can't stop; however, I do have to say that, despite all the energy the Lord has given me to prepare for her arrival, I have been much more tired than I remember being in the first trimester!

Take yesterday, for example: We had those horrible storms heading our way, and I just KNEW they were going to begin hitting when I was getting off of work (btw... I was correct!). SO, I left about an hour early, which means that I got home around 4 to get hunkered down for stormy evening. And, honestly, what is a good thunderstorm without an equally great nap?! :) Let's just say, I slept for 3 hours... EASILY... never moved... never had to get up to use the bathroom (definitely a plus, at almost 38 weeks!)... AND, my sweet hubs had dinner ready when I woke up! Thanks, handsome! :) You would think I was up for the night, but no. By 11:00, our normal bedtime, I laid down and don't remember ever falling asleep! Before I knew it, the alarm was going off!

Now that we have established that I am a sleeper (in case you didn't already know that! ha!), my point to this whole blog: feet. My feet. MY BIG SWOLLEN FEET! I am so tired of the swelling. It really is my only gripe point consistently. I elevate them, watch my salt, drink plenty of water... it just doesn't matter. But, it could always be worse! The Lord has blessed me consistently with GREAT blood pressure, so at least I am not pre-eclamptic! :)

Sweet Lord, thank you for an easy pregnancy so far! I pray that it continues to be this easy, and that labor will go as smoothly as it possibly can! We sure can't wait to meet this sweet baby girl! What a blessing she already has been and will continue to be! Jesus, You truly are good! :)

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